Sometimes a Lot of Things Change, But I'm Still Around!

April 11, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

Well, so I was running a business as a photographer, artist, and writer, yeah,  lots of hats.  And just about around the same time, about two years ago, there were two big changes.  One was that we packed up and moved to Texas, which has made my husband very happy and me, not so much.  I understand that it is more affordable, but I do, truly, miss my friends, and some family are now further away, and I miss being able to walk along the great Pacific, or swim IN it, whenever I felt like it.  I also miss the air that I was breathing there, because I was healthy and vibrant there.

The other thing is that I pretty much "retired."  Moving away from all of my clients, kind of means retirement, but  I don't feel like I am retired.  And I certainly have no intention of putting away my cameras, and my paints and pencils, and my notebooks and computers.  I am still photographing, artisting, and writing because, I mean, that is who I am, obviously!

My website is in transition, as I took it down a lower notch since paying for a higher level website no longer made sense. So be patient with me.  You can still contact me, my cell phone number has not changed, and I am still on FB and a bit on Instagram (I plan to add more there in time).

So, what else is happening?  I haven't taken up baking, and quilting (although I admire those who are good at those things), I will always continue to be creative and intent upon improving my skills and my honest attempts to produce authentic work.  Being "retired" can mean an opportunity to spread out, experiment, have some fun with my life's work.  

In addition, I am very involved in some charitable work and that keeps me balanced so it is not always all about me and what I am trying to express in my various forms of art.

And, I am still doing some of that for friends.  I have and am working on some art for some people, sometimes using a kind of barter system, or whatever we decide.  A friend who often drives me to the airport is getting a painting of Yosemite that I am presently working on, for instance.  I sometimes get a request to edit something that someone is writing, and then there are the photos, photojournalistic, fine art, and I love to do portraiture.  So hit me up, with your requests and ideas and we can talk. 

The painting that accompanies this blog is of my granddaughter, who is often reading a book.  It was something that I wanted to capture about her. Also, she has skinned knees, so, it is a portrait of childhood. I love capturing those kinds of moments.  And I always will.




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